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The Second Sunday of Christmas

Writer's picture: Ashleigh NeuAshleigh Neu

The Holy Innocents, Stephen – Deacon and Martyr, John The Evangelist

These three remembrances are sandwiched between Christmas Day and New

Year’s Day. Who were they and why do we remember them?

The Holy Innocents

We forget that Jesus was very poor. He never had running water or indoor

plumbing. He lived in houses without heating and air conditioning. He ate bread

and fish except for special celebrations. Jesus and his family did not have any

personal freedoms. They lived under a king who was cruel and wicked, King

Herod. King Herod had total power over who lived and died. His authority was

without question.

The three wise men who visited Jesus had been told by King Herod to return to

him and let him know where Jesus was. The three wise men were warned by God

not to return to Herod and they went back home a different way. When Herod

realized what had happened, he ordered all the children two years old and

younger to be killed in and around Bethlehem. No one knows how many children

Herod killed. These innocent children are remembered as the Holy Innocents.

Jesus escaped because His earthly father, Joseph, had been warned to get up and

flee into Egypt. Our lesson is to remember that we are to be a voice for those like

the Holy Innocents who have no voice. We are called to protect them.

A popular Christmas song is “The Little Drummer Boy.” Drummer boys were used

in armies long ago and they were poor orphans who would starve without joining

the armies. Below is a video of the song. It shows us that poor people are in our

neighborhoods also and what we can do when we all join together.

Stephen – Deacon and Martyr

Stephen was a leader in the early church. He was well known for his wisdom and

leadership. He confronted the Jewish religious authorities about Jesus and was

brought before their council. As a result of Stephen’s speech, he was stoned to

death. Stephen was the first person to be killed because of his faith in Jesus

Christ. He is remembered for this and for his fearless faith in the face of death for

Christ. We also need to be fearless in our faith for Christ no matter the cost.

John The Evangelist

John The Evangelist is the Apostle, John. He wrote the Gospel of John, Revelation,

First, Second and Third Letters of John. John would be the only disciple of Jesus

who would die a natural death. All the other apostles were killed because they

believed in Jesus Christ. John’s life was not easy though. He wrote the Book of

Revelation while he was in prison on an island off the Greece Coast. We

remember John because he wrote down Jesus’ life and teachings for us to

treasure and for his faithful witness to Christ despite hardship and suffering.

Old Testament – Jeremiah 31:7-14

This reading from Jeremiah is filled with joy. It sees a time when all Israelis will

return to their home in Israel. God in the future will turn all sadness into joy.

Everyone will have enough to eat and God will care for them.

Old Testament – Psalm 147

This is a song of praise to God. It sings of God’s majesty in His creation. It

reminds us that God cares and feeds all creatures as well as us. Remember the

original language of the Bible in Hebrew. Below is this beautiful psalm is sung in


New Testament – Ephesians 1:3-14

God speaking through Paul tells us that we are chosen and loved by Him. God

tells us that He chose us from the beginning of the world to be with Him forever.

We are also told that God has given us every spiritual blessing. God has also given

us His Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit seals us for eternal life.

New Testament – John 1:1-9, 10-18

Today’s verses from the Bible are written by John The Evangelist. These verses

are also known as “Hymn To The Word.” He tells us that Jesus Christ is The Word

become a man. This is true because Jesus Christ fulfills all of God’s promises in the


Today’s reading also talks about Jesus being the light of the world. Jesus is the

light of the world and no darkness can ever overcome it. We are reminded that

Jesus is unfailing faithful and loving to us all. Below is a video of these verses.

Think about the ways you can reflect Jesus’ light today and every day.

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