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Second Sunday of Pentecost

Writer's picture: Ashleigh NeuAshleigh Neu

Old Testament – Genesis 3:8-15

These events happen after Adam and Eve ate from the tree that God told them

never to eat from. Remember they could eat from any other tree in the garden.

There was only one that was off limits to them. So why did they do this? God’s

command was for their own good even though they didn’t realize it. How many

times do we disobey even when it is for our own good? Have you ever not used a

seat belt? Or did a skateboard trick that was over your skill limit?

Adam and Eve did wrong. However, they sinned, even more, when they blamed

each other and the Serpent instead of confessing their sin. We, too, need to

confess our sins and admit when we have done wrong. God will forgive us our


Old Testament – Psalm 130

Here in this Psalm 130, the songwriter has given up hope. He is in despair. He is

crying out to God for help. He realizes that we are all sinners. The psalmist

confesses without God’s forgiveness we can’t stand before Him. This is true. We

don’t like to admit sinners but it is true. Thankfully, God does forgive us. Listen

to Psalm 130 sung below.

New Testament – 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1

Here Paul reminds us that our earthly bodies are only a shadow of the bodies we

will be given when we are resurrected. We are also reminded that even though

our earthly bodies are getting older every day we have the Holy Spirit which will

never fade away.

New Testament – Mark 3:20-35

Jesus is having a rough day. The religious leaders are telling everybody that Jesus

is doing His miracles because he belongs to Satan. Jesus teaches the crowd and

the religious leaders that if Satan is working against Satan’s kingdom then Satan’s

kingdom will not survive. Then Jesus’ family comes to take Him home because

they think He is crazy. When told His family has come, Jesus asks “Who are my

mother and brother? Whoever does the will of my Father is my mother, brother, and sister.” This is such a great promise. When we seek to do God’s will, we are

part of Jesus’ family.

Spanish Lesson:

La lectura del Antiguo Testamento es cómo pecaron Adán y Eva. Su primer

pecado fue comer del árbol del que Dios les dijo que no comieran. Pero, su

segundo y más grave pecado fue que mintieron y no se disculparon con Dios por

hacer algo malo. ¿El final de estos eventos habría sido diferente si Adán y Eva

hubieran confesado su pecado?

En el Nuevo Testamento, Jesús nos dice que siempre que hagamos lo que Dios

quiera, seremos la familia de Jesús. Esta es una gran promesa.

Diviértete coloreando la imagen de abajo. El versículo de la Biblia dice: "Sé fuerte

y valiente. No temas ni te desanimes. El Señor Dios está contigo dondequiera que


Younger Childrens Lesson:

Today we learn that God forgives us when we do wrong. We only need to tell

Him what we have done wrong and tell Him we are sorry.

When we do what God wants, we are part of God’s family and Jesus’ family.

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