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Pentecost Sunday 16

Writer's picture: Ashleigh NeuAshleigh Neu

Old Testament – Jonah 3:10 -4:11

These verses tell the end of the story of Jonah. Jonah’s story starts when God

tells Jonah to go to Nineveh. Nineveh was a very wicked city and the people who

lived there were very bad. Also God tells Jonah to say to everyone in Nineveh

that they must give up their bad ways, turn to the Lord and start doing right

otherwise God will destroy the entire city. But, Jonah disobeys God and runs

away. Here at the end of the story Jonah is finally obeying God. He goes through

the city and gives them God’s message. They repent and God is happy and

doesn’t kill them. But, Jonah is mad that God has changed His mind. So we see

Jonah pouting because God hasn’t killed many people and the animals that lived

in Nineveh. Jonah’s story ends with God asking Jonah why Jonah is upset about

God’s love toward the Ninevehites.

Have you ever been upset when someone wasn’t punished for something they

did? Do you complain to everyone how unfair it is and spend the rest of the day

being unhappy? You are being Jonah. God isn’t happy when we behave like

Jonah. We must always remember God is patient with us too and shows us love

when we don’t deserve it.

Watch Jonah’s story below.

Old Testament – Psalm 145

This is the last psalm written by David. This song sings about God’s love and His

care for creation. This psalm tells us of God’s steadfast and overflowing love

toward us.

New Testament – Philippians 1:21-30

Paul is writing to the Philippians. Paul is already in jail because he is a Christian.

Paul will be sentenced to death and he tells them if he dies he will be happy

because he will be with Jesus. But, Paul says it is better for Paul to remain alive so

he can help the Philippians grow in their faith.

Today as Christians in America we forget that people such as Paul died for Christ.

We in American do not suffer for being Christians. We need to keep people who

are suffering for being Christians in our prayers.

New Testament – Matthew 20:1-6

Jesus tells the story about a man who needed workers for his field. The man

hired workers very early in the morning for regular pay. A few hours later the

owner needed more workers but didn’t say how much he would pay them. The

workers agreed to work without knowing how much they would be paid. Finally,

almost at quitting time, the man still needs more workers. He hires another

group of workers. Again, the workers agree to go even though they don’t know

how much they are getting paid.

It is now time for everyone to get paid. The owner starts with the last group first.

He pays them the regular day’s pay. The next group who was hired later in the

day also gets the regular day’s pay. The first group thinks they will get more than

the regular pay because the others have been given the same pay as the first

group agreed on. But, the owner gives the first group the same pay as everyone

else. They are not happy. The owner says he hasn’t done anything wrong. The

first group agreed on their pay and he gave them what was agreed on. He asks

them if they are envious because he is generous. Jesus ends this story with saying

the “last will be first; and the first will be last.”

What does this mean? No matter when a Christian comes to believe in Christ a

Christian still will go to heaven. So if a person has been a Christian all his/her life

and someone becomes a Christian in the last minute of his/her life; both go to

heaven. Below is today’s story. The video is special because it shows Jesus

speaking in Aramaic and the story is told entirely in Aramaic. It reminds us that no

matter what culture we live in or what time the Word of God is universal.

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