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Fourth Sunday of lent

Old Testament – Numbers 21:4-9

God had brought the Israelites out of Egypt and freed them from being slaves.

God provided food daily and water when needed. The Israelites complained

against God and Moses. They hated their food. God was angry and sent

poisonous snakes among the Israelites as punishment. Many Israelites died from

the deadly snakes. The Israelites are sorry for speaking against God and Moses.

They ask Moses to pray to God for them. God tells Moses to make a bronze copy

of these poisonous snakes and put the bronze figure on a pole. Whenever an

Israelite was bitten, he or she looked upon the bronze snake and lived.

We don’t like to think of God punishing anyone. But, God does. What was the

Israelites’ sin? Their sin was being ungrateful and complaining that what God had

provided wasn’t good enough. We also need to remember to be grateful when

God provides. We need to learn that God is God Almighty and not Genie


Old Testament – Psalm 107

Psalm 107 is a song about deliverance from troubles. Its verses also recall the

events from Numbers. Psalm 107 praises God for his provision at all times and

places. It also tells us to thank God. Psalm 107:1 says “Thank God for He is good

and his faithfulness endures forever.” Use the song below to help you memorize

this verse.

New Testament – Ephesians 2:1-10

Paul writes that we are saved because we believe in Jesus Christ. Paul reminds us

that our faith is a gift from God. We can’t do anything to earn it. God gives us our

faith to believe in Jesus so that we can live forever with Him in heaven. Paul tells

us that we should be grateful for God’s gift of salvation. Our thanks to God

should result in doing good deeds.

New Testament – John 3:14-21

 Today we hear Jesus speak some of His most famous words to a well-

known teacher of the Pharisees. The teacher’s name was Nicodemus.

Jesus reminds Nicodemus of the time when God from death saved the

Israelites by Moses lifting a bronze serpent on a pole. Jesus tells

Nicodemus that Jesus will save those who believe in Him after Jesus is also

lifted up on a pole. Jesus is speaking about His crucifixion but Nicodemus

didn’t understand. Jesus tells Nicodemus and us that God sent Him into the

world because God wanted to save everybody. John 3:16 is our Christian

faith summed up in one sentence. Take time to memorize John 3:16. It is

shown below.

 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that

everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal


Below is a video that explains the connection between the bronze serpent and

Jesus’ death on a cross.

Younger Childrens Lesson:

Our Bible lessons today teach us that we are to be grateful to God. We learn that

God is good and He loves us. Jesus tells us that God loved the world so much

that God gave Jesus to die for everyone so that we will live forever.

Sunday School lesson in Spanish:

Juan 3:16

Porque de tal manera amó Dios al  mundo , que ha dado á

su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él  cree , no se

pierda, mas tenga  vida  eterna.

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