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Fifth Sunday of Lent

How Did You Grow Closer To God this Lent?

We are almost at Easter. A few weeks ago we celebrated Ash Wednesday and

started our Lenten trip. Are you ready for Easter? Did you take time to be with

Jesus in the wilderness during these 40 days? If not, there is still time to be with

Jesus in the wilderness. Spend five more minutes with Him beginning today

whether reading the Bible and praying. A fun way of spending time with Jesus is


Old Testament – Jeremiah 31:31-34

Our friend, Jeremiah, is known as the “weeping prophet.” He lived in the difficult

years when Israel’s kingdom was coming to an end and Israel was constantly

being attacked by its enemies in war. Jeremiah would see Israel defeated and fall

to its enemies and his people taken away as exiles never to return. Most of

Jeremiah’s writings expressed these sad times with the hard messages that God

gave to him to speak to the Israelites.

This short passage is very different. We can feel a breath of Easter joy in these

verses. God says to Jeremiah that in the future God will make a new promise to

His people. God says it won’t be like the old promise that Israel broke even

though God did everything He promised to do for Israel. God says that in the

future no one will need to be taught about God. Everyone will know God

personally. What a beautiful promise!

Old Testament – Psalm 51:1-12

David wrote this song after he had done several terrible deeds. David had taken

another man’s wife and then David had her husband killed so he could marry her.

In this psalm, David asks for God’s forgiveness. God does give David forgiveness.

How merciful is our God!

The key to receiving God’s forgiveness is admitting to God that we have done

wrong. We will not receive His forgiveness by pretending we have not done

wrong. We need to then come to God, tell Him what we have done wrong and

ask for His forgiveness. God promises us that when we do these two things He

will forgive us. God is a promise keeper. Is there anything you need to tell God

about and ask for forgiveness? Come to Him and He will forgive you.

Listen to Psalm 51 below.

New Testament – Hebrews 5:5-10

No one knows who wrote the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews focuses on

Jesus’ saving work and how we are made perfect by faith in Him. This lesson says

that Jesus’ faith matured because He suffered. So we know that God uses our

suffering to grow our faith. This gives us hope because if Jesus needed to suffer

we also need to suffer so we will learn to rely on and trust God. So take a moment

and ask yourself how God may be using the hard times in your life to grow you.

New Testament – John 12:20-33

John, Jesus’ close friend, writes about the events that are leading up to Jesus’

death. Two Greek men have come to Jerusalem and they want to see Jesus.

When they are brought to Jesus, He is teaching a crowd. Jesus says that it is

necessary for Him to die so that His death will glorify God. Everyone is confused

because they don’t understand why He must die.

Younger Childrens Lesson:

Today’s Bible lessons tell us that God loves us even when we do things we

should not do. The Bible teaches us that God forgives us when we apologize to

Him. Today Jesus tells us that He must die for us so that one day we will get to

be in heaven with Him.

Spanish Lesson:

Pan Para El Mundo Reimprimer Quanto Domingo de Cuaresma

Oraciones para Terminar el Hambre: Jesús se acerca a Jerusalén y la Cruz

“Jesús les respondió diciendo: Ha llegado la hora para que el Hijo del

Hombre sea glorificado. De cierto, de cierto os digo, que si el grano de trigo

no cae en la tierra y muere, queda solo; pero si muere, lleva mucho fruto.”

Juan 12:23-24

Se cumple un año de pandemia y estamos demasiado familiarizados con la

muerte y su prevalencia. Pero la muerte no siempre es física o negativa y es

algo que, de hecho, podemos abrazar. La muerte puede señalar dejar ir el

poder, el privilegio y formas no saludables de estar en el mundo. La muerte

también puede presentarnos un comienzo nuevo y esperanzador.

En el Evangelio de Juan, se nos recuerda que un solo grano de trigo parece

estar muerto, pero cuando se sumerge en la tierra y se riega, puede germinar

y dar nueva vida que trae frutos. De igual manera, conforme seguimos a

Cristo hacia Jerusalén y nos acercamos hacia la cruz, sabemos que la nueva

vida en Cristo requiere dejar ir todo lo que nos impida seguirlo y poner

atención a su llamado de amar a Dios y amarnos los unos a los otros. Las

desigualdades raciales y de género existen porque hemos fallado en amarnos

los unos a los otros como Dios nos ha llamado a hacer. Conforme nos

arrepentimos de estas desigualdades y nos comprometemos a cultivar la

prosperidad para todas las personas, oremos:

Oh Cristo, te damos gracias porque, en nuestro sufrimiento y muerte, revelas

la gloria de Dios y nos ofreces el regalo de una nueva vida. Al crear un nuevo

corazón en nosotros, ayúdanos a que nuestros ojos se abran a nuevas formas

para crear esperanza y oportunidades para quienes experimentan hambre y

viven en la pobreza. Amén

Las disparidades y desigualdades forman parte del entramado social de todos

los países. Las mujeres y las niñas están en mayor desventaja que sus

contrapartes masculinas. En Estados Unidos, las comunidades

Afroamericanas y Latinas viven índices más altos de desempleo y niveles

más elevados de hambre y pobreza. Para verdaderamente acabar con el

hambre, deberán implementarse medidas para superar el racismo y la

desigualdad de género para quienes padecen hambre. Ora por que puedas

tener un corazón que se arrepienta de la desigualdad racial y de género, y que

pida la gracia de Dios para conmovernos a amar a todas las personas.


Hoy aprendemos que Jesus nos ama. Jesus nos ama incluso cuanda hemos

hecha mal. Nos perdona cuando nos disculpamos. Hoy Jesus nos dice qui debe

morir para que algun dia podamos estar en el cielo con el.

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